Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The End

For simplicity, I will be combining my three previous blogs into one. Actually, I'll be using an "iframe" to display each of the other blogs in this one. While there may be content I have yet to publish that would fit well into any of these blogs (movie reviews, for example), all content will be published in this blog. The others will never again have new posts made in them.

The point of this is to have regular access to these blogs. It is something I'd like to have available, not only to myself, but to anybody that cares to view them.

In My Opinion...
This blog started as a place to publish the articles I wrote for The Daily Cardinal. It eventually morphed into a straight up review blog for movies.

The *Original* Questions, Comments, and Snide Remarks
This blog started as a simple journal but eventually became neglected. To reinvigorate it I switched to a standard format for each topic covered. I have since decided that a question, comment, or snide remark need not have the other two to make a decent blog post.

The Yellow House Diaries
This blog was about the shenanigans of the then current and eventually former residents of 1701/1703 Regent St.

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